Project configuration file

The project configuration file is a mandatory file that is used to configure the services of the project, it must be located in the root of the project and its contents must comply with strict rules, which are described below.

If your project is in a Git repository, you can customize the configuration file directly from the browser.

To automatically create a basic configuration file, you can refer to Project Initialization

Example configuration file anchor

name: name-of-project # Project name
  image: node # Node.js runtime
  size: mili # Service size (affects price)
  active: true # Service started
  version: latest # Container version
  pwd: examples/postgres # Path to the working folder (files and folders from this path will be uploaded to the cloud)
  volumes: # [OPTIONAL] Upload additional files to the container
    # Mount local volume
    - local:/path
  entrypoint: [''] # [OPTIONAL] Scripts to run when creating the container
  exclude: # [OPTIONAL] Exclude files and folders (path relative to root "pwd")
    - tmp
    - node_modules
  command: npm i && npm run start # Command to start the container
  ports: # [OPTIONAL] List of external ports
    - port: 3000
      type: proxy
  deploy: # [OPTIONAL] Deployment options
    replicas: 2 # [OPTIONAL] Number of replicas (each replica is billed as a separate unit)
    update_config: # [OPTIONAL] Update options
      parallelism: 1 # [OPTIONAL] Number of simultaneously updated replicas
      delay: 3s # [OPTIONAL] Delay after updating a replica before updating the next one
  environment: # [OPTIONAL] Environment variables
    - PORT=3000
# Local volumes
    name: local

Top level configuration file fields anchor

Project name anchor

Cloud Project ID

name: my-awesome-project

Local volumes anchor

Local volumes are used to save files between service restarts, as well as to access service files from another service.

    name: 'name'

After creating a local volume in volumes, you must also add this volume to service.volumes, for example:

      # Specify the volume name and path
      - name:/path

You strictly need to ensure that this field is unique between different projects, otherwise one of your projects will overwrite another project in the cloud.

Services anchor

List of services that are necessary for the operation of the project application

  # Unique service name
    # ...Service configuration fields

For more information about services, see Service configuration fields

Service configuration fields anchor

The top-level field services must have a root field with an arbitrary unique name and a nested list of required and optional fields.

Service Image anchor

The image of the operating system and the list of installed service dependencies depend on this

image: node

Supported service types: 'node' | 'rust' | 'golang' | 'php' | 'ruby' | 'python' | 'redis' | 'postgres' | 'mysql' | 'mariadb' | 'mongo' | 'rabbitmq' | 'mongo_express' | 'adminer' | 'phpmyadmin' | 'custom'

Custom container anchor

To run a service based on any of the images on Docker Hub, you need to specify custom and in version specify 'author/name:version' of the image.

image: custom
version: dart # Will be installed from the official Dart repository latest (default) version

Build container from Dockerfile anchor

Build a custom image for the service from Dockerfile. Only works with the conhos deploy command.

After changing the Dockerfile in the repository, if you want the container to rebuild, you need to run the deploy command manually.

image: custom # This value is required to use build
  dockerfile: Dockerfile # Relative path to Dockerfile in the context of "project-path/pwd"

Service size anchor

The allocation of cloud server resources for the operation of a specific service depends on this

This parameter affects the price. See the price table on the home page

size: mili

Supported size types: 'pico' | 'nano' | 'micro' | 'mili' | 'santi' | 'deci' | 'deca' | 'hecto' | 'kilo'

Active service anchor

For a service to be added or updated, you must specify true. If false is specified, the service will be removed from the cloud

active: true

Service version anchor

Service version taken from the official DockerHub repository. For example, for Node.js one of the currently supported tags will be valid

version: latest

No restart anchor

To prevent the service from restarting when the project is restarted - true

Used where restarting the container is not required after updating the application files. For example, for services running on php-fpm.

no_restart: true

Starting command anchor

The command executed when the service starts. Should contain installation and build commands before running the program if necessary.

command: npm i && npm run start

Ports anchor

Ports that must be forwarded for public services to the outside; for each port, a separate network address will be used on ports 80 and 443.

ports specifies that the port should be exposed to the Internet via the domain name, otherwise the service can only be accessed via Internal Links for other services in the project.

More about ports

Deployment anchor

Configuring horizontal scaling of the service

  replicas: 2
    parallelism: 1
    delay: 3s

Replicas anchor

The number of service instances (containers) that will respond via the load balancer.

This parameter is valid only for executable services

  replicas: 2

Update configuration anchor

Service update policy settings.

Parallelism anchor

Sets the number of simultaneously restarted service replicas during update and restart.

    parallelism: 1
Delay anchor

Delay time after restarting a replica before starting the next one.

    delay: 3s

Environment Variables anchor

An array of environment variables that will be available to processes within the service

It is supported to use your device's environment variables anywhere in the file, for example: ${PORT}

  - PORT=3000

Startup order anchor

Array of service names that must be started before this service.

  - postgres0

Downloading files from Git anchor

This parameter downloads files from the Git repository and monitors changes in the specified branch, updating the service if necessary.

If a private repository is specified, you must configure access rights to private repositories for the Conhos application in your personal account

Pay attention to the pwd parameter if git is present, it will download from the repository only the folder specified in pwd and make it the root in the container

  url: # Repository address
  branch: master # Name of the working branch
  # Optional
  untracked: merge # Merger Policy

Supported merge policies anchor

In case of changes on disk, git pull works according to the following rules:

  • merge: Default. The service tries to automatically merge with the files from the working branch and update the working branch with local changes. If the merge cannot be done automatically, then the changes on the server are pushed to the new branch, and the service continues working with the files from the working branch.
  • push: changes on the server are immediately pushed to the new branch, and the service continues working with the files from the working branch.
  • checkout: local changes on the server are discarded, and the service continues working with the files from the working branch.

Work folder anchor

This directory will be uploaded to the cloud and will become the working directory of the service

If the git parameter is specified for the service, the given rule (pwd) will point to a directory within the Git project

pwd: ./ # Relative path only

Excludes anchor

List of child files or folders that should not be uploaded to the cloud

# Optional
  - node_modules
  - dist
  - some/nested

Connecting a volume anchor

To overwrite configuration files inside the container:

This method is only suitable for embedding small files, and is used to overwrite the default configuration files inside the container. To load application files, you need to use pwd

# Optional
  # - [absolute or relative path to the file or download link]:[absolute path to the file inside the container]
  - examples/mysql/config/

To connect a volume to the host system, use the local volumes mechanism to save files between changes in the container

Running a script when starting a container anchor

Except for the postgres service, where you don't need to pass entrypoint to run scripts when creating, instead we pass the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql file inside the container via volumes with approximate contents:

echo "Add include dir to config $config_path"
echo "include_dir='/etc/postgresql'" >> $config_path
# Optional
entrypoint: ['']

Using your own domain anchor

To set up your domain, simply add the following field to the service configuration:


In order for your own domain to work, be sure to make sure that in the hosting zone of this domain two A records are added from the IP node where your project is located, which refer to the domain itself as well as to the domain with the www prefix, for example

To get the IP of the project node, enter the command:

conhos ip

For the changes to take effect, after changing the domain, enter the command:

conhos deploy