Hosting Php


To host an application on Container Hosting Php, you must complete the following three steps.

1. Installing the project management utility

If your project files are in a Git repository, then installing the utility is not necessary, since you can run the project from the browser.

If you installed the conhos utility earlier, then simply proceed to the next step. If not installed, then use Instructions to install.

2. Create a configuration file

If your project files are in a Git repository, you can create a configuration file from your browser.

Configuration file for creating the Php service in Container Hosting. More details in Configuration File.

Check the current version of the Php container in the official Php repository

name: my-php-project
    image: php
    size: mili
    active: true
    pwd: examples/php
      - vendor
    version: latest
    command: php-fpm
      - port: 3000
        type: proxy
      - PORT=3000

3. Launching a project in the cloud

To upload files to the cloud and run services in containers, run the command:

conhos deploy

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